All notable changes to this project will be documented here.
2.0.0 - 2019-02-13
- About dialog was not readable with dark theme
1.2.2 - 2018-11-15
- MEM_CS ComboBox selection index was wrong and caused unwanted behaviour
- SignalTable export file was not forced to UTF-8 which caused problems for Windows users (#36)
- MDR was not set to 24 bits during simulation which could lead to accessing non-existent memory cells (#35)
1.2.1 - 2018-10-06
- localization of theme selector menu
1.2.0 - 2018-10-06
- binary memory representation
- binary value update mode for memory
- about dialog contains list of contributors
- RunningSimulationDialog to end a running simulation before making changes (#25)
- UI theme compatibility
- increased readability of exported HTML signal table
- export pretty formatted HTML instead of one single line
- save button activation for constant mux inputs did not work correctly (#28)
- importing memory data with first bit of a byte set led to a sign error (#29)
- tooltips of 'simulation reset' and 'simulation quit' were swapped
- PC and ACCU multiplexer connections were drawn on top of each other (#31)
- MemoryUpdateDialog opened several times after opening a new project (#30)
- changing the machine or SignalTable caused the debug mode to be unusable (#27)
- changing a memory value showed up on the same row in both MemoryTables even if they were on different pages (#26)
- deleting or renaming of a register caused strange behaviour in SignalTable (#32)
1.1.2 - 2017-10-30
- memory import and export spinner auto update on lost focus (#18)
- register constants greater than 0x7FFFFFFF could not be entered (#20)
- projects with empty SignalTables could not be imported (#21)
1.1.1 - 2017-02-17
- MemoryTable update after memory write access did not work correctly (#15)
1.1.0 - 2016-08-29
- undo / redo feature (#10)
- language selection (English / German)
- HTML signal table exporter now uses template file and HTML5
- Now using Java's Properties class for application configuration
- some GUI elements were not correctly reset after loading or creating a project
- cancel action of waiting dialogs was not processed if the dialog was closed via pressing escape
- machine schematics exported as JPG did not have a white background (#7)
- button labels for adding and removing multiplexer connections were not localized
- button icon for adding a register was not the correct one
- multiplexer selection code in MuxView was extended too early
- machine configuration menu item was not localized
1.0.1 - 2015-10-15
- machine schematics were not updated on changes
- base machine did not match the base machine from the lectures
1.0.0 - 2015-10-09
- replaced the Swing GUI with a JavaFX GUI
- projects are saved as JSON instead of XML
- the following attributes are updated after changes of signal rows:
- ALU operation codes
- ALU selection codes
- Jump targets